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QREATIVE - Birthplace and world leader of designer qr codes

Custom QR codes. Designer QR codes. Branded QR codes

A custom QR code will elevate your brand, projecting its true identity to your audience.

Avoid potential security issues by branding your identity into the code itself.

Original inventors of custom QR codes and the acknowledged global #1 company, QREATIVE is taking on the world.

In Tokyo, we’re pioneering the custom QR code revolution.

Our codes are appearing globally as multinationals, government departments, celebrities and SMEs all switch on to the exciting possibilities of custom QR codes.

we keep the core function of a QR code intact, whilst progressing it into a branded commodity. Logo, brand, campaign or other elements are incorporated into the design, making every code unique whilst retaining scannability.

Can you tell the difference between these brands?


Designer QR codes



Nor can we. To the naked eye, all QR codes look similar.

Black and white QR codes are great.They’re fun and functional, but let’s face it - they all look the same.

Companies want them to represent their identity. Consumers want a more compelling call-to-action. We all want visual cues to engage with them.

Enter QREATIVE designer QR codes. We are the pioneers and inventors of designer/branded QR codes, and the acknowledged global leaders.

A designer QR code projects the true property of your brand or identity to your audience.


QR codes help business

A designer QR code will elevate your business or brand, making you stand out from the crowd. QREATIVE are the pioneers and inventors of designer/branded QR codes, and the acknowledged global leaders.

A custom QR code projects the true property of your brand or identity to your audience, and maximises the full potential of this technology – there are also important security aspects associated with using custom codes.

The act of scanning a QR code is a leap of faith in technology – with a standard code in the public domain, anyone can put a sticker over the top and lead you anywhere they want you to go, including phishing and malware sites:

Standard QR codes just don’t cut it. Only one company creates custom QR codes to multinational brand standards - QREATIVE

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